30 Day Gratitude Challenge Sit down, quiet the mind and observe your thoughts, observe your recurrent thoughts and re-examine them. Your...
Who is excited for a 30 day Mindfulness Challenge? The theme is Gratitude, Creating a new personal story (changing the story...
How about a BOOTY CHALLENGE ROUND 2? Today’s class is all about that arse 🙂 We are focusing on...
I am starting to transition into the upcoming posture series or challenge. The first part of December will be all...
We are more than half way there! We can’t fully celebrate yet but we will soon! Make sure you post...
Guess how long the Plank Hold is Today? Namaste Beautiful Yogis, today’s class is different because I did a private...
Elisa here, WOW! How did everyone enjoy the first ten days of this abs challenge? INCREDIBLE! I am so incredibly...
by Tina Brussel sprouts have such a fall and wintery feeling about them … and yes, they can also be...
by Tina The best thing about this raw high fruit low fat diet is that you actualy can eat your...
by Tina Raw soups are truely one of the easiest dishes to prepare! Blended soups are like savory smoothies, ready...
by Tina This spicey chili can be wonderful for lunch or dinner, as a filling for wraps or just as...
by Tina This smoothie turned out so much better than expected! My favorite way to start the day is by...
by Tina It is time for another challenge! A week to give a vegan, raw or high raw lifestyle a...
NAMASTE BEAUTIFUL YOGIS, This coming week staring on Sunday I invite you to join me for a Speaking Beauty Challenge!...
Are we ready for Monday? Starting a Beautiful Yoga Booty Challenge! Instagram hashtags are #instabooty #instabum #bootyfulyogis #yogabooty We are...
NBY! This week looks like its going to be a lot of fun. Feel free to replace or swap classes...
WEEK 3 and we are doing great! Weather you are missing practice on some days or not the main lesson...
Are we all ready for week 2 of the 30 day Interval Yoga Challenge? How did everyone do in week...
by Kasia Boba A GREAT DINNER IDEA! Hello BY! Thought I’d share with you my dinner, as I noticed some...
Beautiful yogis and beautiful souls, We made it! I cannot thanks everyone enough for making these past 21 days fun, inspiring, and...