NAMASTE BEAUTIFUL YOGIS, I felt inspired to go into fluidity work. Our fascia health is integral to feeling strong, fluid,...
A quick and powerful class. In the BODY AWAKEN PROGRAM. Diaphragmatic breath, my signature back cross lunges with a twist...
NAMASTE BEAUTIFUL YOGIS, I have prepared a heavy on legs week! I am inspired by my own week which has...
NAMASTE BEAUTIFUL YOGIS, 12 min HIIT IT’S A HARD ONE! the class begins at 3:38 min 50 seconds of work,...
NAMASTE BEAUTIFUL YOGIS, this week I have an eclectic collection of classes. I hope you are enjoying the end...
props: stretch band This class fits in well with the Body Awaken Program. The themes here are: calf activation...
plus Diaphragmatic Breath This class is designed to build strong legs in a very short amount of time. I developed...
This class is a continuation of the previous week’s diaphragmatic work class. it offers you a chance to practice diaphragmatic...
This class will powerfully target your legs and glutes. I really love the added tippy toes poses. I have used...
NAMASTE BEAUTIFUL YOGIS, A new program? Yes!!! We are starting today!!! The poses I have prepared for Monday’s class are...
NAMASTE BEAUTIFUL YOGIS, I finished shooting the pilates Program but because there is so much to cover within the field...
NAMASTE BEAUTIFUL YOGIS, cardio focused abs and pilates MONDAY Interval Pilates Cardio + focused slow floor pilates TUESDAY BURBANKS...
NAMASTE BEAUTIFUL YOGIS, lower abs, deep core Week 5 MONDAY PILATES Flow Inner Thighs, Obliques, Deep Core, Twists TUESDAY FLOOR...
NAMASTE BEAUTIFUL YOGIS, I hope you are in the mood for more funky pilates MONDAY Pilates – lower abs, obliques,...
NAMASTE BEAUTIFUL YOGIS, another week of deepening our connection to the core. As we open the channel of connection we...
NAMASTE BEAUTIFUL YOGIS, I am really enjoying shooting these classes. My family is preparing for summer so I have to...