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Hormonal Balance – PMS, MENOPAUSE, PERI, PRE

When we speak about health we often hear advice about diet and exercise. Although this is not a wrong idea...

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Fluid Yoga Flexibility Core + Reflexology for Anxiety

NAMASTE BEAUTIFUL YOGIS, Fluid Yoga I am going into slower classes, fluid yoga, lots of flexibility, stretching, IT Band poses....

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Injury Poultice – Boneknitter

Hey Yogis,   I am a great lover of plant medicine and have studied it since I remember. I know...

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My favorite sourdough pizza recipe

Namaste Beautiful People,   today I made my favorite to date pizza recipe so I thought I better write it...

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Favorite Face & Body Oils

For the last few years, I have been enjoying and exploring the world of oils. In fact, I have made...

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Vegan Diets Done Successfully – Tips from Ali

I feel with the trends moving towards keto, carnivore, and specialty diets it’s a good time to write another vegan...

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DIY Charged Skin Mask – Pro level! DMEA, MSM, CLAY

This face mask is amazing. It cleanses the pores and tightens the skin. It is a recent new addition to...

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Avocado Citrus Sale


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“The Upholder of the Cycles which supports the whole of Life, is water. In every drop of water dwells the...

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Manifesting with 30 Days of Yoga BODYHACKING

30 DAYS OF BODY-HACKING YOGA   WELCOME I will post a new class (all levels; beginners WELCOME) each day on...

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Sleep is King

Good sleep is the cornerstone of health and well-being. We heal and recover only during sleep. I will list below...

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Weight Loss Guide – UPLIFT GAIN – Lightness Ideas

In a world of weight-loss programs and diet books, I would like to offer a fun approach to health which...

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My First Holiday Gift Guide and the beginning of ALI APPROVED

Namaste beautiful Yogis,   I am excited to create my first holiday gift guide and to start a category that...

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ClairAlience Parasympathetic Breath Week

NAMASTE BEAUTIFUL YOGIS,  I have been going through Andrew Huberman’s podcasts and applying them to classes. He has a neuroscience...

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A few people asked me for a what-I-eat-in-a-day. You may or may not know but my diet is predominantly raw...

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Weight Loss

I have committed to writing blog posts on here far more often.  I was reminded that blog posts are far...

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Improving Hormonal Heath, PMS, Fertility, Menopause and Diet

Recently I shared a blog on my Raw diet and I listed some of the benefits I have experienced while...

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A New Diet for a Humanity on the Bridge – A personal Blog

We are living in the times of prophecies. It feels surreal to say it but we are finally crossing from...

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What I eat in a day Spring/Summer Style

I haven’t done one of these posts or videos in a long time. These types of videos or posts tend...

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Immunity Protocol

I take immunity seriously. I have always said that foods and herbs are serious business. People often underestimate the power...