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Sleep – the missing link in building muscle. Recovery

Sleep is sanity! Recovery time is crucial for building muscle. If we do everything right – we eat well, exercise...

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Favorite Face & Body Oils

For the last few years, I have been enjoying and exploring the world of oils. In fact, I have made...

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The herbs, homeopathy, remedies for COLDS I cannot live without.

Namaste beautiful yogis, (warning this is going to be VERY holistic so if you don’t like such subjects just skip...

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Manifesting with 30 Days of Yoga BODYHACKING

30 DAYS OF BODY-HACKING YOGA   WELCOME I will post a new class (all levels; beginners WELCOME) each day on...

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Sleep is King

Good sleep is the cornerstone of health and well-being. We heal and recover only during sleep. I will list below...

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Weight Loss Guide – UPLIFT GAIN – Lightness Ideas

In a world of weight-loss programs and diet books, I would like to offer a fun approach to health which...

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My First Holiday Gift Guide and the beginning of ALI APPROVED

Namaste beautiful Yogis,   I am excited to create my first holiday gift guide and to start a category that...

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Weight Loss

I have committed to writing blog posts on here far more often.Ā  I was reminded that blog posts are far...

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Improving Hormonal Heath, PMS, Fertility, Menopause and Diet

Recently I shared a blog on my Raw diet and I listed some of the benefits I have experienced while...

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Yoga for Your Moon Phases – Improving Hormonal and Functional Health by Syncing with the Cycle

When we look at recommendations, graphs, and charts about things we should do according to our life cycle, lunar phases,...

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Healing the Soul; Healing via the Subtle Bodies

Below I am going to “try” to convey a strong knowing from within my Soul that can be complex yet...

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Intuitive Art Classes with River

Hey everyone šŸ™‚ Here are the next 2 classes, more introductory and ground work for art and cultivating an inner...

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Yoga, Exercise and Diet for Reducing Cellulite

Yoga, Exercise, and Diet for Reducing Cellulite We live in an aesthetically sensitive society. For better or worse that is...

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Peanut Latte and Omegas + Cronometer Readings

I have a massive love for this peanut latte and although it is not an essential item in life it...

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Current Skin Care + Skin Actives + Make up

Here is my current and updated skincare regime. I have a lot of sun damage so I feel that I...

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VIP Words Mindfulness Manifesting

Are you noticing the patterns in the ways you are used to speaking and expressing your visions? We can definitely...

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I love essential oils and their applications in all things beauty and health. Here are 3 face waters for 3...

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How I cured Mastitis in One Day with Simple Home Remedies

Mastitis is no joke. AfterĀ I gave birth and I started breastfeeding my mom kept mentioning it to me because it...

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Building a First Aid Natural Remedies Must Haves & Kit

Disclaimer: None of the below information is intended as medical advice. I am simply sharing what works for me. None...

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4 of My Favorite Breakfast and Lunch Meals Recently

NamasteĀ Beautiful People, It’s been a while since I last shared a recipe or a favorite meal. I am pretty excited...