
Current Skin Care + Skin Actives + Make up

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Here is my current and updated skincare regime.

I have a lot of sun damage so I feel that I need to use a few serums each day or I start seeing my skin elasticity declining. Reducing wrinkles and improving skin tightness is my main goal here.

I am no longer using the Lumene serum I used to rave about in my previous videos because it has gone from $10 to $100 dollars …? not sure if it is discontinued or what but I am done with it. A heartbreak but I have moved on with my life and thus I have invited new and improved energies into my skincare routine haha.


Right now I am using skin actives in combination with Alteya Organics which is a brand that uses organic pure rose oil and other natural ingredients. Rose oil is extremely rare and extremely expensive so very few brands actually use the organic oil. Most either use geranium or rose water or rose fragrance.

So right now I am using one Rose Otto Serum and their Jasmin Rose cream plus I picked up 2 essential oils from them while I was in Sofia. They are an International Brand but they are manufactured in Bulgaria with many Bulgarian ingredients. I have only used the carrot oil (from a small bio store – Green Line in Sofia). Carrot oil is meant to reverse skin aging and skin damage. I also bought frankincense but I have yet to use it. The carrot oil has to be really diluted or it burns.

Let’s move onto skin actives.

I often get serums that contain only skin actives- this means the raw pure ingredient and no fillers added. So you know what you are getting. Many big brands advertise an ingredient on the label but the actual concentration can be insignificant.  The concentration of these Timeless serums is high and listed on the label. They are made in the US and mixed when you order them so that they are fresh.

I have 3 but I would say if your skin is great just try one at a time and rotate them.

I love vitamin C serums in addition Matrixyl 6 is all the buzz  so I decided to get it as well as the CoQ10 serum. They are all meant to act as collagen supporting serums for antiaging and for wrinkles. Plus they add hydration.

Skin elasticity and skin aging is my main focus. I don’t have any other skin complains and as a matter of fact, I find my skin to be not sensitive and extremely resilient to weather and other irritants. I do not have redness or discoloration or dryness issues. I can get pimples from new products. I do think that I might need more hydration but that is addressed with all the serums.

These serums are very hydrating.

My SPF right now is quite weak. I got it from DM in Europe. They carry a very affordable vegan and bio line- ALVERDE. I got the BB CREAM but I am not crazy about it. In all fairness, I do not like any cream with any coverage. Few exceptions.  I am also spending long hours indoors (sadly that’s a part of my TX experience- I love it here but walking is not a natural part of the lifestyle of the city. I am trading a busy walking city for the quietness of the countryside where my nervous system get to unwind)).  Anyways, I will finish the BB Cream but I won’t recommend it. It is not bad. Nothing to rave about. When I get a BOMB SPF one I will be sure to let you know. Meanwhile please share all your favorites in the comments below as I am always willing to experiment.

The serums:

They are fairly priced $15-24 for something that is pure concentrated ingredients and nothing else. Cruelty-free and Vegetarian, GMO FREE.

Good to keep them in the fridge which I fail to do.

These are the 3 serums I am using. I am keeping them in the boxes so they get less sunlight.

The links are my amazon affiliate links so I get a small (tiny) kickback if you shop through my links but feel free to just shop around and get the best prices. If you do use my links I thank you in advance!

I have purchased and discovered these serums all on my own:). I phase them in and out of my routine. I also tried to make my own Vitamin C serum but I gave up on it. A bit less professional of an outcome 🙂



2. Matrixyl 6



3. CoenzymeQ10




I started to use a vibrating silicone sonic brush and I think it is working well. I didn’t get the name brand because the “knock-offs” do the exact same ob as the technology behind it is very simple. Save your money for organic ingredients and food 🙂

I am using oil to take my makeup off and cleansers for my skin so that my skin can absorb the serums better. Right now I am rotating a few face cleansers and they are all great. FRE pictured in my photo.


It’s like arnica homeopathic cream but Calendula. It’s homeopathic and I use it on my people for skin rashes and skin irritation. Good to have it around for emergencies. I love my herbal and remedy stash. It’s MASSIVE because I have a passion for remedies…It is basically a full cabinet of herbs and goodies. Many of them we need for emergencies so it’s good to have on hand. Herbology is my big passion so I consider this to be the luxury I splurge on as I also study it and testing things is part of my learning.



I am a simple girl when it comes to makeup. Undereye concealer – I am not proud of it but I do need it on most days! Even on the rare occasions when I look fresh in the morning it can still add luminosity and brighten the face. I only use it in the inner part of my undereye where I tend to get a bit of darkness. Mascara- never heard of this brand before but it was marked as Vegan in DM so I got 2 different ones and this is the second one. Pretty good but nothing magical. it was also quite affordable- something like 5 lev which is probably $3.

The eye pencil is organic I ordered it on AMAZON way before the summer and I like it A LOT. It doesn’t run or irritate my eyes. It is simple and clean and it does what it needs to do. That’s all I put on my eyes. The brand is BAEBLU. The reason why I chose to buy it over the other ones is because it contains castor oil which can help with lash growth and I figured its 2 in 1. If you know of a good mascara thats cruelty-free and containing castor oil let me know. Researching ingredients and products can suck up a lot of time for me. But then again if we dont we end up using absolutely toxic stuff on our body.

LIPSTICKS- I have a few lip stains, a pencil and lip glosses or plumpers. They are all pretty good and whatever you chose it will be fine. I really love lip stains because I am the type of girl that applies lip product without a mirror while on the go. I like colored balms as well. The photo showcases TOO FACED which is nice and ultra-rich red.

That’s it for now.

Let me know if you want me to go more into makeup, skin treatments or hair items (I am about to shave my head – really trying to brave up and do it… so final shampoo and conditioners uses now 🙂 )

Love you all! Thank you for the continuous love and exchange through the years! We are all blessed to be a part of this experience and learning and growing is a continuous flow.



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