VIP Membership


A quick and powerful class. In the BODY AWAKEN PROGRAM. Diaphragmatic breath, my signature back cross lunges with a twist...

VIP Membership

VIP 300 A Workout for Strength

36 minutes long Props needed: Dumbells – 1to 3 sets of different weight dumbells. I am using an 8 and...

VIP Membership

VIP 299 A Dumbell Infused Yoga Workout

47 minutes I hope you enjoy this class. I am using 3 sets of weights. An 8 and a 5...

VIP Membership

VIP 274 A 56 min Standing Vinyasa Flow with Core – Legs Intervals

This is a longer standing vinyasa flow with intervals. Think of it as a good POWER YOGA class with some...

VIP Membership

VIP 254 12 + mins Back to HIIT

Today we are embraking on a “Call it out as we go” HIIT Workout. This was a ton of fun...

Therapeutic / Yin
VIP Membership

VIP 245 A 49 mins Therapeutic Yoga with Glutes Bands

Today we are doing a therapeutic moves class. Apartment quiet series. It has been raining almost every day here in...

VIP Membership

VIP 243 A 1 hr Vacuum Abs FULL BODY WEIGHTS

Level 2 Lower Impact, Medium Intensity Full body weight lifting with Stomach Vacuum alternating with floor Abs Interlaced into the Weighted...

VIP Membership

VIP 234 A 2 PART 6 & 8 Min “One True Rep” Workout + a Death Circle

New Year’s workout. It is fast and effective. You can fit it in on a busy day and feel like...

VIP Membership

VIP 235 A 12 Minute Death Circle Bonus KettleBell Legs

With the holidays approaching I find that I am only able to set aside less than 20 minutes a day...

VIP Membership

VIP 229 A 50 min A Strange Combo Yang Strength Yin Yoga Organ Meditation

Namaste, this is our new flow for the week. Today’s class is a strange combination of strength yang building booty...

Core Strength Yoga
VIP Membership

VIP 222 A 30 Min Meditative Serene Morning Vinyasa in Nature

Meditative Vinyasa Flow, Full Body Class in Nature with Nature Sounds! I hope your week was magnificent and this will...

VIP Membership

Holiday Schedule Upper Body Theme

NBY’s. This Weeks schedule, I thought it would be fun to make a theme once again. This Week we will...

VIP Membership

VIP 192 A 60 Min Intense Interval Yoga

Hola yogis, Lolly Miller is back with another class. This one is a bit of a butt kicker and she...

VIP Membership


                          A new week, a new schedule, a...

Level 2
VIP Membership

VIP 170 A 37 Min Yoga with Weights 3

“Get the weight off of your shoulders” Class 🙂   YOGA That makes you feel light after therefore IGHT WEIGHT...

VIP Membership

VIP 164 A 25 Min HIIT YOGA

Namaste everyone, We have a new HIIT yoga class today. Expect some upper body strengthening moves. I am in the...

VIP Membership

VIP 160 A 12 Min Strong Upper body and Core Workout

Namaste, I have been experimenting with a lot of new moves and I can see these moves working on building...

VIP Membership

VIP 139 A 12 Min Fun HIIT and Stretching

  “You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found...

Yoga Membership
VIP Membership

VIP 134 A 12 Min Full Body Bodyweight HIIT and Yoga Stretching Cool Down

  “The beauty you see in me is a reflection of you.” – Rumi NAMASTE BEAUTIFUL BEINGS, HOLIDAY WORKOUT AND...

Level 3
VIP Membership

VIP 129 A 30 Min Upper Body Intervals with Dip Station

UPPER BODY INTERVAL SESSION A good way to step out of the bootie challenge is to do an upper body...