
Intuitive Art Classes with River

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Hey everyone 🙂

Here are the next 2 classes, more introductory and ground work for art and cultivating an inner practice.

Next week starts the Spoken Word Project and I’m so excited to share that with you all!

Class 3:

Creative Blocks & Energy Alignment

This is for if you’re feeling any creative blocks, ones that can arise, and inner acceptance in art

Class 4: Rules of Composition and Energy Sketching

We go over the rules of composition. In this class you have a bit of “homework” ;), we also go over how to do an Energy Sketch, an exercise you can practice any time.


River 🙂

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  1. Willa's Gravatar

    Wonderful! Thank you River! Looking forward to getting into a creative springtime groove and trying out the lessons you shared. I have some glitter pigments that will be perfect for this!

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