
Brussel Sprouts & Apple Salad, Vegan for a Week

VIP Membership

by Tina

Brussel sprouts have such a fall and wintery feeling about them … and yes, they can also be eaten raw. There are many ways to prepare them, you can marinate it or massage the shaved brusselsprouts like yuou would do with a kale salad. I decided to make a crunchy version with a sweet date dressing. These tiny cabbages are loaded with nutrients and milder tasting than their big sisters.

brussel sprout apple salad

Ingredients for 1 large or 2 regular sized salads,

  • 1/2 pound brussel sprouts, outer leaves removed and sliced or shaved very thinly
  • 1 large apple, julienned or grated
  • 4 thin spring onions, sliced
  • 3 medjool date, pitted and chopped
  • 1 tbsp. fresh thyme leaves
  • 1 lime
  • 1/4 tsp. chipotle powder
  • 1/2 cup coconut water, more or less for desired thickness
  • pink salt to taste, optional


For the dressing blend together the coconut water, juice of 1/2 lime, chopped dates and chipotle powder until smooth. You can add more or less coconut water to make it to your liking. This dressing is totay delicious on just about everything! Sweet, spicy and fresh thanks to the lime.


Mix the grated apple with the juice of 1/2 lime to keep it from oxydizing. Loosely scoop together all the ingredients for the salad and serve with the dressing on the side or on top. You can always add a handful of chopped walnuts, I kept mine fat free.


I hope you like this salad as much as I do! Let me know if you gave it a try and how it turned out. Do share your pics in our Facebook group Beautiful Yogi’s, we love to see your creations!

Tina xo


For more inspiration, info and vegan recipes come over to, please scroll down for english

My first two weeks High Carb Low Fat

Ali’s Vegan Lentil Stew

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  1. Elena's Gravatar

    One of the best salads ever! Thank you Ali!

  2. Elena's Gravatar

    Thank you Tina 🙂

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