My first two weeks on a high carb low fat diet …
by Tina
A few weeks have passed by realy quickly since I decided to change up my diet, going from a high raw/raw high fat diet to a high carb, mostly raw ( it is summer, so easy ) style of nourishing my body.
I always knew that diet was one of the main keys to health. So when I needed to heal badly I turned my attention to a raw diet for all its benefits. And it did gave me a great push in the right direction, coming from a highly acidic body it started to help me find balance. My diet had to evolve over the last years until now. Raw or high raw worked perfect for me, taste wise just delicious, the only thing is that my diet did have a lot of fats and “healthy” sugars added. Coconut sugar, coconut oil, nuts and seeds were my staples. Being so much healthier than my food choices before it did help me get better but some issues did not go away.
Sugar still bothered me so I decided to remove all of it, natural and fruit sugar from my diet. This ment though no more fruits but more fats to get enough energy. I have been doing this for almost two years and not being happy about it. It worked I guess, clearing some issues regarding sugar but left me not feeling satisfied and light.
I never craved nuts and fats … it didn’t make me want to grab it in the store and eat it right away. The feeling gorgeous ripe fruit does give me! And since I removed all the sweets the only things were left were veggies, complex carbs and fats. Complex carbs being my favorite among these three. Loving quinoa, millet, sweet potatoes and buckwheat. Still do. I lowered my fat intake to 10% of my daily calories a few days before I started adding more fruit. This cleared my blood from “floating” fat that obstracts quick and efficient usage of sugars. High fat and high sugar just don’t mix, not in a meal and not in a diet.
A diet should be making you happy, full of joy and it should feel abundant! The reasons why I knew something had to change. Back to basics. I have been so inspired by Ali’s food and energy, that is what I needed in my life.
I did come across a few “start up” challenges during these first weeks. The first one being not eating enough calories. I did have my tummy full because obviously fruits and veggies are filling but are much lower in calories than fats or cooked foods. I keep on adding more fruit every day with the goal of being it the largest part of my diet, followed by leafy greens and vegetables. Fruit for abundant energy, greens and veggies for extra nutrients.
What amazes me is that I get all my nutrient needs met on fruit, greens and just a little dash of fat! Who new 5 medium oranges give me 260 grams of calcium, 25% of my daily needs and 6,2 grams of protein!? I am a trained nutritionist but never learned that …. many suprising facts I get to discover every day!
The second one is that you need to keep a fruit stash … can’t do this without. The ripeness of fruit is major important, the riper the more alkalizing. I have discovered that there is almost no ripe fruits being sold at our supermarkets, fruit stands or even through wholesale. In the season fruits like strawberries, cherries or raspebrries are ripe but available for a very short time. These also don’t ripen further once picked.
I have seen many pics of impressive fruit stashes and hauls online and now I understand the reason. When fruit is your major food group, you need it to be ready to be enjoyed. All of the fruits above are ripening, except the spotty banana which supposed to help the apricots along. Looking forward to the first organic local strawberries … they taste amazing!
Last weeks new favorite snack,
Ripe apricots and banana slices rolled up in romaine or iceberg leaves. With a sprinkleing of cinnamon. Who knew this could be so delicious!
Salads and veggies need dips …
Dips are great, they make a salad or wrap complete. For this Carrot Mustard Dip I blended a medium sized ( steamed or raw ) sweet potato, mine was white fleshed, with a about a cup and a half of chopped raw carrots. Added in some mustard powder, pink salt, which is optional, and some orange juice. Blended until creamy.
This turned out so delicious, can easily be a soup if you add a little more juice or water. Topped it with mustard cress. The sweetness of the potatoes, carrot and juice work delicious with the sharpness of the mustard.
Ali keeps inspiring me with her video’s and posts, thank you for that, so greatful! Feeling happy, abundant and satisfied is my new diet and lifestyle. Check out THIS video of Ali, it’s a “what I eat in a day” type of vid including tips on detoxing and fruit combining.
Thank you for reading,
Tina xo
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Thanks Tina! Your food inspires me just like Ali’s yoga.
Thanks so much Marloes, that makes me so happy! Have a wonderful weekend …