VIP Membership

VIP 268 A 33 min Beach Full Body Workout Download

The reason I call this a Beach Workout is not the location but rather the type of workout. It is...

VIP Membership

VIP266 20 + 30 mins Merciless Tonic Yoga and HIIT Workout INTENSE

The whole class is 50 minutes long. The HIIT portion fo the workout is 20 minutes long. It includes a...

surrender, healing the past bubble butt bands workout
VIP Membership

VIP 252 A 35 Min Bubble Butt Bands Workout “Healing the Past” Surrender

Today we are doing another Bubble Butt Workout!! 35 minutes long.   The “intention – visualization” theme is surrender and...

VIP Membership

VIP 250 A 25 min Jump to Yoga Legs Workout Interval

I often get asked about the books I am currently reading. These days I love videos and audio lectures far more...

VIP Membership

VIP 249 A 10-20 min “SWEAT & STRETCH” Circuit Cardio

Level 2-3 due to the complexity of exercises. The intensity is moderate and the impact is moderate. Optional props:  a...

VIP Membership

VIP 243 A 1 hr Vacuum Abs FULL BODY WEIGHTS

Level 2 Lower Impact, Medium Intensity Full body weight lifting with Stomach Vacuum alternating with floor Abs Interlaced into the Weighted...

VIP Membership

VIP 203 A 30 Min Solstice Joy Groove Yoga plus Intervals

Happy Summer Solstice. How about I Welcome all the new Members with a Leg and Inner Thigh Vinyasa and Finish...

VIP Membership

VIP 182 A 30 Min Espresso Shot Plie Yoga

  Plie Yoga, Happy Monday! It is a new week- a new opportunity to start with a fresh outlook on...

Level 2
VIP Membership


    Namaste Lovely Beings, today we are going to do just enough. Save this class for days when you...

VIP Membership

VIP 179 A 37 Min New Way to Strengthen the Hips Class.

Today we are working with some new moves that are all geared towards strengthening the hips. I hope no one...

HIIT Workouts
VIP Membership

VIP 143 A 24 Min Burpee Workout

  This quote is totally unrelated to the workout but it is such a beautiful representation of the essence of...

VIP Membership

VIP 142 A 18 minute Tabata and Post Workout Meals and Tips on How to Never Get Sore

18 minute TABATA AND a talk on post workout food at the end of the video. How to eat in...

VIP Membership

VIP 139 A 12 Min Fun HIIT and Stretching

  “You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found...

VIP Membership

VIP 128 A 34 Min Espresso Shot Yoga Class


VIP Membership

VIP 118 A 33 Min Full Moon Fluid Flow

  After the blood moon class- shot during a super big moon in the sky. The flow is fluid- let...

VIP Membership

VIP 25 A 9 Minute HIIT Cardio Lymphatic Drainage Light Day.