
VIP 252 A 35 Min Bubble Butt Bands Workout “Healing the Past” Surrender

surrender, healing the past bubble butt bands workout
VIP Membership

Today we are doing another Bubble Butt Workout!!

35 minutes long.


The “intention – visualization” theme is surrender and heal the past.


There is so much beauty and grace in surrender.

Only through surrender do we move forward and grow.

I would really like to share this video of  Queen Oprah <3 talking about her own experience with surrender.


“Always say ‘yes’ to the present moment…

Surrender to what is.

Say ‘yes’ to life – and see how life starts suddenly to start working for you rather than against you.”

Eckhart Tolle


I have personally gone through this experience a few times in my life. I have never spoken about this before but During my Saturn Return, I had to really let go of all the old attachments I had about spirituality and self-identification. It felt like shedding old skin. It was a painful yet liberating experience and an experience that allowed me to find a deeper level of wisdom. Then, later on, before starting my online career I had to completely let go of teaching yoga. It was a very painful period because, we humans, tend to hold on and attach to everything dear and when it is time to let it go we hold on :). Up to this point, I have probably taught a few thousand classes in studios and gyms and it was time for me to say “That’s it! I may never teach again and I am 100% OK with that”.  Only then and there new doors began to open for me. We can only become more by letting the past go. The past has lessons for us. The past is what made us who we are. However, overidentification with the past keeps us anchored in the past and we are unable to become who we have come here to be. We are unable to be present if we are only focused on the past. We must embrace every experience we have been through as an expression of the universal order and perfection around us however painful life can be for all of us. Moving forward is not a single act of surrender but a continuous process of growing and becoming wiser.

Also, I must add that yoga and my classes are not meant to be therapy. They are just meant to deepen our self-awareness and add a layer of wisdom to the way we perceive the phenomenal world.


Now onto the class. 🙂

Bubble Butt Bands Sequence

What a combination – “Butt – Surrender” such as life.

Props needed:

Loop Bands

A block / a small soft fitness ball

An ottoman or a swiss ball.

We are staring with a warm-up.

Expect a lot of band exercises targetting the glutes and hips. Working on a lifted and round booty as a way of strengthening the first – second chakra area. Butt exercises also can help stabilize the pelvis, back and core.

Some yoga stretches are included.


Final Relaxation.





P.S.I just received the new YogiSurprise Box. They are starting a new campaign – LIVE YOUR DHARMA. Right now, they’re offering 25% off with code MAY and including a free amethyst crystal bracelet in every May box in honor of their new mission: #liveyourdharma. I just shared in my insta stories the goodies inside.

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  1. rosannadell's Gravatar

    Very freeing

  2. Tina Redder's Gravatar

    I love this clip of Oprah <3

  3. KatyMurdoch's Gravatar

    Really felt the burn. Thanks for giving this class for free….inspired me to sign up for membership again after a break. Nothing shreds my body like your workouts – whilst also giving me a heap ton of conscious awareness. thank you xxx

  4. Angelicayoga's Gravatar
    Angelicayoga 18th May 2018, 3:08 am

    I love your booty classes. I have a housecleaning business and I bend over a lot. I used to have a lot of lower back pain. I have been doing your classes for almost 2 years and once I started focusing on the booty I have no lower back pain. I also use your form when I have to bend over at work. I squat down, pop my booty back, straight back and knees out to the side. I never knew that a strong booty helps support your back! Thanks so much you are wonderful!

  5. DulcineaRattet's Gravatar
    DulcineaRattet 22nd May 2018, 4:00 pm

    ooooh I LOVED the idea of letting go being displayed in Oprah’s video and how smoothly you tied it in to the booty class! Great stuff!

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