NAMASTE BEAUTIFUL YOGIS, Soul Rinse Beginner Yoga Schedule! Take breaks if you need to, stay consistent. Continue practicing and...
Week 3 of the Beginner Journey into Yoga. We are still establishing proper alignment and foundational understanding of the poses-...
This week is a continuation of the pelvic schedule only much stronger and with the inclusion of somatic movement in...
Namaste Beautiful Yogis, this week we have a Third Eye Flow and a new Telepathy PT inspired class for strength,...
Week 3! This week we have lighter titles – Letting Go and we are editing the class for later this...
Week 2 of Core and Breath focus. Detoxing the body is something we continuously do through life. It is a...
Namaste Beautiful Yogis, Some more Booty Classes with an interesting focus. This schedule is in many ways Yang +...
Week 3 of the BOOTY PROGRAM 3.0! We will bring in some shoulder focus this week! I always give you...
Namaste Beautiful People, last week of the July program. We are preparing for Booty 3.0 in August and this week’s...
Namaste Beautiful Yogis, week 4 of the Phenomenal Yoga begins. We will focus on the hips once again and we...
Namaste, week 3 of the PHENOMENAL YOGA PROGRAM. We will do some more Physical Therapy Inspired Classes. I hope you...
A strong and soul-soothing schedule with 3 new herbal powerful healing sessions.
Namaste, many of us are transitioning to a stay-at-home job right now and this requires a lot of hours spent...
Namaste Beautiful Yogis, Happy arrival of Spring! I am taking the liberty to mix in the end of March’s schedule...
The CORE AWAKENING PROGRESSIVE VINYASA PROGRAM is gaining speed. It’s starting to be more FUN!!! Things are getting more involved,...
This schedule is quite soft and relaxing. Some intensity on Monday! Focus on your breath and flow with pure awareness...
I do not do anything different in summer than what I do in winter but let’s have a fun themed...
Hello beautiful Yogis, I hope this summer is treating you well. I am enjoying the beautiful weather and relaxing at...
This and the beginning of next week I will be teaching at the Baltic Cruise so I may take a...
MONDAY This new week we will place our focus and contemplate Flexibility from the perspective of fluidity-of-emotions-point. When we allow...