Week 2 Flexibility and Fluidity. This week we will work on our understanding of the body through movement. Through the...
44 minutes long. This class is not very very light. It is medium intensity. It is perfect for many occasions...
A 52 minutes long MOONFLOW MODERATELY CHALLENGING AND CALMING. Use this class in the afternoon when you want to calm...
57 minutes Are you ready for the WINTER SOLSTICE? Are you doing something special to mark the day? This time...
Namaste yogis, this schedule is perfect for beginner level yogis. Feel free to skip days as your body tells you to....
Hola, we are back with schedules again. There are tens if not hundreds of past schedules so feel free to...
18 MINUTES OF Somatic Healing, Nervous system Repatterning and Breath Healing. Shamanic shaking. Make sure that you have a safe...
Let my soul smile through my heart and my heart smile through my eyes, that I may scatter rich smiles...
Somatic, Thai Chi influenced intuitive movement. This class is great for following a yoga session or for days when we...
Namaste Beautiful Yogis, this class is a Soft Yoga Flow for relaxation. When you feel overly stressed out or when...
Today’s class is a restorative session for your rest days. It is a perfect class for rebalancing the pelvis and...
Hi Beautiful Yogis! 🙂 How is your Spring so far? Do you feel yourself coming out of the more quiet...
This class is Intermediate/ Beginner Level (with modifications for beginners). Great for calming down on days when you feel stressed out;...
Today we are doing a therapeutic moves class. Apartment quiet series. It has been raining almost every day here in...