
Weekly Beginner Schedule March 24-31

Hi Beautiful Yogis! 🙂

How is your Spring so far? Do you feel yourself coming out of the more quiet Winter energy and into the more alive energy of Spring? Where do you feel your life becoming more alive?

This week is LEGS, back/backbends, flexibility, and a little core connection! 🙂 Some of my favorite classes this week and all very fresh and fun for Spring 🙂

First a full vinyasa class building flexibility and strength

Next is a super fun legs yoga pilates fusion class!

Stretching the legs out today with yoga for runners, balancing the lower body, stretching the legs and stabilizing the hips

Another strong legs class, maybe include a walk today 🙂

Stretching out those hamstrings today with a yoga for tight hamstrings and stiffness in the body!

Todays class is abdominal wall strength with plies, booty, lower back, and some light impact, bonus of stomach vacuums and magical TVA work today 🙂

Then a very calming flow to stretch out the legs and whole body, a yin yoga class with beautiful somatic moves 🙂

I hope you all are doing well and wishing you a super amazing week! 🙂

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