

VIP Membership

Jupiter Day to be exuberant, generous, joyous and positive and expansive. Jupiter is the planet of LUCK so tap into that Jupiterean energy! Flow with the natural cycles of nature rather than against them. We feel the current of life sometimes through the messages that our intuition sends us or the synchronicities that surround us.

As the I Ching says: “You are always on the threshold of change; how you approach it will determine your success.”

When we flow with the currents of life we align with the natural energies and cycles of the Universe. We allow the flow of life to fill our life with abundance and light. In contrast when we resist we obstruct the natural current of energy.

It is fittingly sunny over here and I feel like spending the day in town and enjoying the city vibes. It will be my day off in fact. I will indulge myself in some goodies. Hope you can do this in a small way as well.

Let’s flow with this JOY GROOVE VINYASA. Smile and have fun.

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