VIP Membership

VIP 192 A 60 Min Intense Interval Yoga

Hola yogis, Lolly Miller is back with another class. This one is a bit of a butt kicker and she...

VIP Membership


                          A new week, a new schedule, a...

VIP Membership

VIP 142 A 18 minute Tabata and Post Workout Meals and Tips on How to Never Get Sore

18 minute TABATA AND a talk on post workout food at the end of the video. How to eat in...

VIP Membership

VIP 95 Ready to jump for 12 minutes?

New VIP HIIT Class. This is of moderate intensity. No rest intervals. Jumping is a great way to facilitate detox...

15 - 30 Minute Workouts
VIP Membership

VIP 52 Super Hard Core HIIT Huffing and Puffing and Grunting Workout

This is a total of 20 Minute class including cool down stretching: HARD CORE HIIT and double pigeon explained I...

VIP Membership

VIP 51 Full Body Intense Training Interval Yoga Cardio Calorie Burn

A 36 Minute class.   Namaste Favorite

Leg Workout
VIP Membership

VIP 49 A 11 Minute Spontaneous Combustion Workout

Last week I was shooting Beginner Yoga all day and by night time I was ready to go crazy, lose...