
Raw Quince Apple Pie with Cinnamon and Coconut Persimmon Cream

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Lately I have been obsessed with eating Fuji Apples. Just by themselves!  raw quince apple pie thumb

raw apple pie quince persimmon banana cinnamon mulberry cacao coconut vanilla hfrv 801010 diet vegan gluten free low fat high carb

raw apple pie quince persimmon banana cinnamon mulberry cacao coconut vanilla hfrv 801010 diet vegan gluten free low fat high carb

apple pie9!!!

raw apple pie quince persimmon banana cinnamon mulberry cacao coconut vanilla hfrv 801010 diet vegan gluten free low fat high carb

raw apple pie quince persimmon banana cinnamon mulberry cacao coconut vanilla hfrv 801010 diet vegan gluten free low fat high carb

raw apple pie quince persimmon banana cinnamon mulberry cacao coconut vanilla hfrv 801010 diet vegan gluten free low fat high carb

raw apple pie quince persimmon banana cinnamon mulberry cacao coconut vanilla hfrv 801010 diet vegan gluten free low fat high carb

applie pie4

raw apple pie quince persimmon banana cinnamon mulberry cacao coconut vanilla hfrv 801010 diet vegan gluten free low fat high carb

apple pie5

raw apple pie quince persimmon banana cinnamon mulberry cacao coconut vanilla hfrv 801010 diet vegan gluten free low fat high carb

raw apple pie quince persimmon banana cinnamon mulberry cacao coconut vanilla hfrv 801010 diet vegan gluten free low fat high carb

raw apple pie quince persimmon banana cinnamon mulberry cacao coconut vanilla hfrv 801010 diet vegan gluten free low fat high carb

raw apple pie quince persimmon banana cinnamon mulberry cacao coconut vanilla hfrv 801010 diet vegan gluten free low fat high carb


raw apple pie quince persimmon banana cinnamon mulberry cacao coconut vanilla hfrv 801010 diet vegan gluten free low fat high carb

raw apple pie quince persimmon banana cinnamon mulberry cacao coconut vanilla hfrv 801010 diet vegan gluten free low fat high carb

But let me be honest- I will not turn down a few huge pieces of raw apple pie.

This one is a raw, high carb, low fat fruit pie. No nuts were used in my recipe (except for a bit of almond coconut milk) but if you are bringing this to a party by all means make it more decadent 🙂 Add a nut crust or a nut crunch on top.



Apples (I used only one apple)

1 Quince (all quantities can be adjusted to taste and the size of the pie you are making)

1 Persimmon

2 very ripe baby bananas or 1 banana

1 cup of coconut almond milk (silk brand- not raw of course- but you can substitute for raw milk or blended young coconut flesh)

A few drops of coconut stevia drops (I am really loving the added coconut flavor)

2-3 Stevia packs

Lemon juice (to keep apples and quince from browning)


Saffron (optional as it is very expensive and some people actually dislike it)(Saffron is a mood booster) 😛

Cardamom, ginger, Cacao, vanilla- optional

Frozen dried Mulberries – freezing them makes them very crunchy – they pretty much replace nuts and the crunchy factor.

Dates, Raisins also optional

Pecans, Walnuts, Hazelnuts – optional

I skipped the ginger this time but i have made this with ginger before. It works either way.

pie ingredients 2

pie ingredients 2- these are fresh Barhi dates.

applie pie ingrediets applie quince ingredients pie

coconut saffron ginger garlic

coconut saffron ginger garlic


A culinary brush can be helpful but not a must.

A deep pie dish


A high speed blender (maybe a regular blender can work OK)


Blend the persimmon, bananas, coconut milk, stevia, part of the cinnamon, vanilla. I also blended the core of the quince in the cream because it is very gelatinous and acts as pectin- gelatin  for the pie. (also you can make hair gel from it 🙂 )

This is your cream.

(My cream actually set in the blender within minutes. By the time I was brushing it and spreading it on the pie it was already solidifying – from the persimmons, cinnamon and quince gelling action. That’s great. We want that!)

Grade the quince and apple. You can cut up persimmons, dates, and bananas as well.

Place a layer of apples, quinces in your pie dish. Brush some lemon juice on them. Sprinkle some cinnamon, raisins, dates, nuts and pour some of the cream on top. spread it well with the brush, a  spoon or a spatula.

Repeat this until your pie dish is full.

You can decorate with fruit, cinnamon, cacao, carob, mulberries, mint and so forth.

I sprinkled cinnamon and cacao powder.

And I added my frozen mulberries on top.

Raspberries would be pretty on top as well.

It’s ready to go in the fridge.

Let it set for a few hours or overnight. The longer it sets the more cut-able it will be!

The beauty of this pie is that you can eat as much as you want from it and it’s great to pre make on the weekend or at night. When you come home from work or school your appetizer or dinner is waiting for you.

You can make it more caloric by adding more dates, raisins and bananas to it.

If I am taking a dish like this to a party I would make more colorful layers- such as matcha green tea cream layer, purple potato layer and such. For my personal consumption I prefer to keep it simple and follow food combining rules.

(other than the lemon which was needed everything is well combined. IMO)

Please share with me your photos of your fruit pies or apple pies if you end up making this recipe. Come on over to out Facebook Group BEAUTIFUL YOGIS GROUP and join in on the FUN share your recipes and yoga path there 🙂

A QUICK TIP: Something I have discovered is that persimmon do gelatinize to a solid consistency. They also taste egg-ie and egg-noggie. So they are excellent in recipes that call for egg based creams.

Bon Appétit


raw apple pie quince persimmon banana cinnamon mulberry cacao coconut vanilla hfrv 801010 diet vegan gluten free low fat high carb


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