Easy Eggplant Soup and Dip Recipe
This is one of the simplest, most delicious recipes I have made in a while.
It’s a seven only ingredient soup/ dip.
You can serve it as a thick dip and use lettuce leaves as spoons. Edible spoons of course. π Thats what I did.
2 Eggplants
5-6 Carrots
around a cup of Coconut Milk
a good piece of Ginger
Dried Hot Aleppo Pepper Flakes
(optional garnishes: avocado, lemon, onion, salt, cumin, parsley)
This recipe is very simple and goes against a lot of the cooking rules but that’s the beauty of simple cooking. You do what you love, not what the cookbooks tell you you must do.
I steamed the eggplant in big slices in just a bit of coconut milk with saffron and ginger.
Once the eggplant is done you can throw it in the blender with carrots (raw if you have a vitamix), more raw ginger (I made mine hot and loved the extra gingery kick), more saffron, coconut milk, garlic and optional salt, lemon, avocado.
Once its blended into a smooth paste you can adjust the consistency by adding more coconut milk or carrots and serve in a bowl. Add the hot pepper flakes on top (the aleppo peppers are unique- they have an almost oily and salty yet sweet flavor so they do add a lot to this recipe). You can add sliced onions, cumin and any spice or spice mix that compliments the dish.
I served the soup/dip with raw lettuce leaves, brussel sprouts, cabbage and yellow tomatoes. You can slice the tomatoes and spread the dip on top and then sprinkle savory, basil, etc. Β This is a very very beautiful presentation for these simple veggies.
This dip is mild and I loved the no acidity mild flavor. It is certainly not a sattvic food (an ayurvedic term) because of the added garlic. It is definitely good and healthy to go spice and irritant/stimulants free often. I don’t eat garlic often but every so often if I have a craving for it I know it is for a medicinal purpose so I go for it.
I encourage you to always experiment with ingredients and flavors. Combine the unthinkable π such as chipotle with watermelon!
Buy exciting new ingredient! Pick exciting new spices and herbs!
Remind yourself of the glory of nature all around us. Take time to admire the colors and shapes of new and unfamiliar to you plants. There is sacred geometry all around us. And every day ask yourself the question: Do you want to eat high vibrational, bursting with color and flavor foods or dead matter. Compare the intricate shape of a leaf and all the webbing and ribbing within it to the color and energy of dead, processed foods. Which one would you choose to nourish your body, mind and soul? Food is information, food is light, food is intelligence! We celebrate the beauty of nature by choosing beauty on our plates π
I experimented with dried persian lemon for this recipe.
Let me know if you make this recipe and if you end up tweaking the ingredients.