
Beginner Schedule Feb 16-23

Namaste Beautiful Yogis!

Happy New Year to those who celebrate 🙂

This week we are working with Hatha and Vinyasa to find a nice balance! Taking it easier than last week but still building good foundations.

Monday: A power flow for building upper body and core strength, also some stretching and decompressing the spine 🙂

Tuesday: Working on the digestive system, getting things moving! With a wonderful shoulder and spine stretch

Wednesday: A practice full of light, and very balanced! This has some moves that will prepare you for transitioning into Intermediate/ Level 2 🙂

Thursday: Working on flexibility today with a bit of a longer practice, this practice is very grounding and refreshing!

Friday: This one is perfect for digestion and spinal alignment, a more relaxed flow

Saturday: A new class! All somatic with floor abs 🙂 This class is all about balancing the body and hips, the same effect of a chiropractor session but done in different ways. Very effective adjustments to the hips and spine!

Sunday: Total relaxation today, this class is perfect to find that quiet space in the mind and just be. Turn on one of Jonny’s songs for an added meditation, or go for a walk in nature 🙂

Love! 🙂

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