
Beet Walnut Molasses Massaged Salad

VIP Membership

As I have mentioned a few times before I have been on a massaged salad kick for a month or more now. The thing I most love about massaged salads is that they tend to condense the vegetable volume so one can fit almost two times more veggies on the same size plate and also the massaging really develops and increases the flavors of the original ingredients used. Massaging your greens allows them to become juicy and tender and thoroughly infused with the flavors of your dressing of choice.


This salad is one of the healthiest things you can offer your family. It stores well! You can make it in bulk and keep in in the fridge as a main or side dish. People that do not love salads demolish my massaged salads so thats good news when trying to feed picky kids and husbands.

Veggies used:

(feel free to add or subtract veggies based on what you have available at the moment)

A small head of cabbage

One Romain Heart

10 small cooked beets (pre cooked vacuum packs or pickled beets can work)


Fats used:

10-30 walnuts

Dressings ingredients:

1/4 cup of molasses

Vinegar to taste

Garlic salt or salt (use at least a small amount because that tenderizes the veggies)





Jujubes or Apples (dried or fresh)

Cooked and strained Lentils or beans. (I used black lentils as they cooked completely while I was chopping  and massaging the veggies)



I chopped the veggies thinly and then I massaged them all together with the dressing ingredients. The more you massage, the better. Get your hands dirty!!!

I find that if you put more sweet ingredients in you need less salt and oil which is always a plus.

For the fussy eaters you can add some sesame oil or olive oil or tahini to the dressing.  I have been in the mood for walnuts so that’s what I wanted to use today.

When I made this salad I thought to myself “Good, now I have salad for the next few days. … Wrong! All gone within minutes of me announcing “salad is ready”

I don’t know about you but when I feed people veggies my heart gets celebratory 🙂 It is like serving health on a plate.

Let me know if you have any tips of your own or interesting delicious ingredients you like to use in your salads. Do tag me on Instagram if you end up making this salad.

Bon Apetit








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