
Yoga good for improving quality of life – Testimony


Ali Kamenova Interval Yoga


there is two types of pain, one that hurts you and the other that changes you

there is two types of pain, one that hurts you and the other that changes you

I was going through a pretty tough period in life about one and a half years ago. I think it was the combo of some sad family news on top of my stressful job that triggered my stress related  symptoms. It all got quite severe, and I do recall the dizziness when driving to work in the morning, the pressure over the breast and the difficulty to breath, the weight loss, and the never ending headache I was suffering from. Do I need to say I wasn’t exactly the best mum in the world to my 5 years old daughter during this time? I fully realized I had to do something about the situation, but wasn’t sure how to improve my mental and physical health.  Then I came across Ali’s Youtube channel just by chance, and after trying one of Ali’s classes I was hooked (never enjoyed yoga before in my life!). It only took me one or two months of yoga practice and all stress related symptoms were gone! And even better – I haven’t experienced any stress related symptoms since then.

Saying this, practicing yoga has definitely helped me open my eyes and to realize and focus on what’s important in life. The only change I’ve made to my life style is to add yoga to my life (almost every day I do at least one of Ali’s classes ), and the change in my quality of life has improved significantly! It has been an inner journey that is difficult to explain in words, but I find it so much easier to deal with the obstacles and stress today, now when I have yoga in life.

I want to take this opportunity to send a big THANK YOU to Ali. You are such a wonderful person sharing your yoga expertise with all of us. You make a change, and I’m sure the world would be a much better place if there were more people just like you! Thanks a million for being you!


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  1. admin's Gravatar

    Aah Margareta your story brought a tear to my eye. True transformation is always possible when the soul is ready! Stay grounded and keep growing into who you are meant to be and into the most amazing mom you can be! Keep practicing with me! Love and hugs <3

    • Margareta1974's Gravatar
      Margareta1974 1st July 2014, 9:02 pm

      Isn’t it amazing how such a minor change as adding a daily routine of yoga practice can have such a great impact? I do believe yoga is a great treatment of stress, with the additional benefit there are only positive side effects to it! 🙂 

  2. benjity's Gravatar

    Amen! So happy for you, Aah Margareta! Ali’s teaching is absolutely a gift!

  3. allycat's Gravatar

    Oh gosh, this has struck a real cord with me. I’ve been going through a similar situation in the last few months. Losing my gran and overbearing stress at work. Stress is such a terrible thing. It’s so nice to hear about positive transformations. I started mine just one month ago and its thanks to you Ali. I’ve found it so hard to relax and its taken its toll on my mind, body and spirit. Your videos, your kindness and sharing have been a great help
    to me. I’m setting a path to a more positive life!
    Thank you!

  4. laurajones-miller1's Gravatar
    laurajones-miller1 6th July 2014, 2:39 pm

    What a gift…so many of us have experienced stories of a life renewed with Ali and her yoga classes. .I think my life is not only renewed…it is better than it has ever been…I am so happy for you Margareta…blessings, love, and the miracle of yoga to you…xox

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