
Vegan Frittata Recipe

VIP Membership

Here is my vegan frittata recipe from my latest What I Eat in a Day Video.

This is an AMAZING dish. Very creamy and cheesy without the actual saturated fats, milk and eggs regular frittata is made with.

I started by soaking for 30 minutes:

2-3 tbsp of chia seeds 

in a separate bowl I soaked 3/4 to 1 cup of chickpea flour with some water or almond milk.



sautee some chopped veggies in coconut milk.

I used:

  • 5 chard leaves
  • a head of broccoli
  • one celery heart
  • onions
  • garlic



Blend the soaked garbanzo flour with

  • 2 tbsp of nutritional yeast
  • half a block of tofu
  • salt (smoked salt)
  • liquid smoke
  • chipotle or smoked paprika to taste
  • poultry seasoning or some other herbal mix that has thyme, sage, oregano and so forth added to it
  • or Mrs Dash seasoning
  • cumin
  • 1/2 tsp masala spice
  • OPTIONAL:  2 tbsp of Follow your heart vegan egg  mix. (you can omit this step or substitute it with a flax egg)
  • OPTIONAL truffle oil (for a blue cheese flavor)



Mix the above ingredients in a baking, casserole or pyrex dish – the consistency should be that of a regular frittata mix. If you feel your mix is too thin you can add some oat flour to it.

Add some kidney beans, green chickpeas, green beans, frozen corn, past, bell pepper, grated potatoes or whatever other ingredients you desire to your mix.


Place in a preheated oven at 350-400 F for 30-40 minutes or until ready.

Let it cook if you want it to be a bit more sliceable.

I had it hot and it was SO GOOD.

I really really loved this recipe and I think it is a good one for anyone looking to add some more substantial, heavy in protein meal to their vegan recipe repertoire.

Serve with potatoes or salad!

Here are the cronometer stats for it. Very high in protein and very high in minerals and vitamins.

ceonometer2 cronometer1 cronometer



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