
Fruit Peanut Persimmon Cereal

VIP Membership

Here we go again with one of my fruit creations.

Persimmon season is starting and this recipe does not require it but if in season then, by all means, include it. Persimmon-less options shared below.

I like to add plant milk with PB Powder and Stevia to chopped up fresh or even yummier frozen fruits such as frozen figs, blueberries, bananas, peaches or whatever else you have frozen in your freezer.

For this bowl, I blended one Fuyu persimmon with Stevia and PB Powder.

If you let the blended mixture set in a bowl it will form in a structure similar to Jello.

Usually, I do not use persimmons for this but rather a spoon of Lucuma powder, Goji Powder or Mesquite. Not all powders work the same. Some are more delicious than others.





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