
Creamy Decadent Vegan Nutella Truffles. A Secret Ingredient!

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These truffles are the best thing that happened to vegan chocolate lovers after the discovery of Coconut Milk Chocolate.

I was craving creamy truffles with hazelnut flavor and nothing I bought was cutting it. As a matter of fact I bought a few too many chocolates and they were all laying around open and untouched.

So I grabbed one bar of swiss dark chocolate that I didn’t care for and I threw 1/3 of the bar on the stove in a double boiler. (adjust quantities)

Are you ready for the rest of my “story” 🙂

Ingredients needed for a very small batch (around 6 truffles and some extra lick-the-spoon; eat-while-you-cook extras) :

1/3 Block of melted dark chocolate

10 or more roasted hazelnuts (freshly roasted is the best) – a few powdered or chopped ones and a few whole ones for decoration.

Cacao powder for dusting and 1 tbsp mixed into the melted choco mix

3tbsp more or less depending on your sweetness preferences of palm sugar (dates could work)

and here we go with the secret ingredient:

1/2 an avocado!!! It adds a buttery touch to the truffles.

OPTIONAL but a Fabulous Ingredients:


Some Fancy Salt

Coconut for rolling

After the chocolate has melted add in the palm sugar and ground hazelnuts. When it cools off a bit add in the avocado and mash it.

I have been loving the hazelnut everything theme lately. We even received a gift – The nutcracker. The most magical childrens’ book that my daughter and I are simply in love with. It is the orchestra version with music playing on each page. Famous melodies that we all somehow connect to the holidays. I shared it quite a bit on Insta Stories and Ig. Here is Lotus dancing to it 🙂
This is the exact book.  Funny enough “THE NUTCRACKER” is translated “THE HAZELNUT CRACKER” in Bulgarian.


My cravings are put to rest!

Let me know how you like these.




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