What I eat in a day 4000 calories from Carbs and Cupping my Back
I always promote a clean diet with the majority of calories coming from organic carbohydrate-rich whole foods such as fruits, veggies and if you are a grain and legume lover then by all means include those into your diet as well.
My diet consists mostly of fruits and vegetables and a ton of herbs with some miscellaneous items such as coconut/almond milk, peanut butter, tofu, munchning on my friends vegan plates at restaurants :), wine or micro brewed beer (not often but on occasion)
Being “vegan” is not something I advise you to become. It is something that you feel you absolutely want to do once you are ready.
I am not vegan and I do not care for the label one bit. However veganism it is the closest thing to what I eat like, but I do have my dad’s farm honey or bee pollen when I travel. We need bees and we need bee keepers to keep the bees numbers going. Actually if you happen to know ethical bee keepers be sure to support them because they are extremely rare. My dad claims he is one of the very few bee keepers left that does not feed sugar to his bees. Sugar syrup lets bee farmers increase their profits dramatically.
This is a little movie of dad doing his thing. This is the queen bee- the long bee that I am trying to capture with the camera. Bees’ colonies and life is amazing when you start to study it. These bees just started a colony by themselves on dad’s property in one of his old hives while he was on a two year hiatus from bee keeping. They keep coming back to him even when he tries to quit! heehee
He happens to be very knowledgable on the subject even though it was just a hobby for him as his job was extremely high stress and very demanding.
Funny thing I just saw Freelee the Banana Girl got stung by bees twice in a week and she was asking what it might mean. I would take it as SUPPORT bees more maybe heehee. We were sitting around dad while he was checking the bee hives and there were literally thousands of bees swarming around us. I didn’t care. I just ate my grapes and did my thing 🙂 Nature tends to reflect our inner world so when animals, insects, plants react to us especially while meditating do pay attention to that! There are usually divine messages hidden within.
Although not often, but sometimes when I’m in Bulgaria I will have sheeps yogurt or fresh farm cheese as long as it comes directly from the farmer him or herself. (I spent very little time of my life in Europe so this is quite rare and I have been on a mostly raw vegan diet rich in fruits for the past 20 years now. And again if you know people that are ethical farmers, they care for their animals, they raise old breeds of farm animals (not the Holstein cows whose milk is known to cause cancer, diabetes and heart disease) and they graze their animals naturally by all means SUPPORT them. They are a soon-to-be extinct thing of the past. Even in Bulgaria where in the past most people earned their living from farming and raising sheep now you can’t find any sheep farmers under the age of 70. Sadly it is not profitable to do things the old way anymore. Yet most of the old traditions combined with a new consciousness and awareness and a new holistic approach to farming can help us preserve the planet, our health and the livelihood of the so precious animals we love yet exploit so badly.
Anyhow, after this mini tangent I will get to my super calorie overload day!
I must put in a disclaimer before we begin with the glorious eating. I don’t eat this many calories every single day and when I do I make sure it is because my body needs it. I make sure to keep it low fat. High calorie and high fat is a disaster for your system. High sugar and high fat is the worst idea ever. You are better off picking one or the other. Example- eating dates with nuts; maple syrup with coconut oil in healthy cakes: candida wanting to bloom. (All bad FOOD combos in small quantities are perfectly fine. Just don’t make them a staple. If I go out to a raw restaurant and there is raw high fat gourmet dessert I would have some. I am not dogmatic)
Diabetes can be and is reversed on a high sugar/carb diet that is very very low in fats- food for thought?!
Breakfast was tea with coconut/almond milk. Almond Breeze has a new flavor -Coconut VANILLA. Are you kidding me!
So I had over a liter of tea.
Then I didn’t feel like eating fruit for lunch which has not happened in years so I had my veggies during the day.
I had vegetables with spicy tomato dip/sauce. I have posted dip recipes multiple times before on my website. These dips can make the most boring veggies a gourmet experience. I keep creating new and exciting dips and I will continue to share the recipes 🙂
Then I had 2 steamed ears of corn on the cob (the corn and some of the dip ingredients and the coconut milk were the only non-raw things for the day). I always drink the water from boiling the corn and I boil it with the corn silk. Lovely health benefits mostly targeting the kidneys. Speaking of corn I just learned something I didn’t know until yesterday. I have been avoiding all corn in the states for the past 7 years because of the GMO issue. However, I just read that only 4% of sweet corn that we eat is GM and most of the field corn used in for animal feed is GM. So I get it at my farmers market full of worms with the non-GMO claim.
BTW I didn’t take any photos of my meals so these photos are taken of other veggies left in my fridge 🙂 I couldn’t be bothered with photography while eating 😀
So that was lunch: a small head of broccoli, a whole head of fennel without the stemmy parts which go in the blender for Sofie’s food, some cocktail cucumbers, 2 large tomatoes and tons of dressing with tons of herbs. And corn.
Later in the day I had a ton of lime juice with mint and cucumber.
I walked Sofie for 15 minutes. I am already missing the long walks I was getting in Europe.
Then later in the evening – around 9pm I worked out. The heat here has been really nasty. It feels oppressive since I’ve been back. Adjusting from rainy Europe to 100 degree California is a bitch but I am stubborn and refuse to turn the AC on. I did a new type of interval training workout which only took 10 minutes but it was more than enough. No rest- 10 minutes straight of kettle bell rotation exercises.
After that I had my partner place 16 chinese cups on my back. I wish it was as perverted as it sounds but its pure healing therapy 😛 lol
He placed some around my tailbone but I will spare you the view. And only 2 left a mild bruising which is slightly disappointing because when you get the purple bruised skin it means you are moving stagnant blood and removing toxins. Cupping is great for sore muscles, back pain, nerve disorders, pinched nerves, healing the internal organs, relaxation etc. You do need someone else to place the cups for you but it’s a top of the line healing modality. Up there with shiatsu massage, acupuncture, etc. Of course yoga can replace all of the above and you don’t need anyone else in order to do it for yourself. It’s all within.
I actually have some face cups as well but I am guilty of not using them much. They are moving style cups and great for lymphatic drainage and beautifying ones skin. What can I say I love my chinese medicine and old school crazy healing tools.
Another thing I should talk about soon is moxa smoke therapy that I learned at my chinese herbology school some years ago. But that’s for a later post.
OK back to food. After the cupping therapy I made sure I drank some water and then I nibbled on some passionfruit and 2-3 italian prunes while preparing my “famous” frozen chocolate covered baby bananas.
These are my first passion fruits. I just learned that you have to select the wrinkly, dark purple, heavy ones- they are the sweetest, most aromatic and with most seeds/flesh ones.
After two small bowls of bananas covered in chocolate coconut stevia goodness I decided I don’t want any bananas at all and chocolate did not sound yummy either so I went straight for the dates. I ate a lot, as many as I cared for. Then I relaxed for an hour and went to bed and slept straight through the bloodmoon eclipse.
The next morning, as I am writing this I counted the date pits which thankfully I had in a napkin and OMG! I ate 45 Medjool dates for dinner which is 3000 calories just from the dates. EPIC!
Here is how my date box looks by Wednesday. I bought the dates on Sunday. So 4 days of munching on medjools. In my defense I haven’t had dates since last spring so I really craved them and it is all I thought about since I’ve been back in the states. They are freshly picked lasted only a week! And I had a day of just date fasting again- the way I did last year. You can find my blog on the date fast -> DATE FAST BLOG HERE
This is the BEFORE PHOTO
And here is the AFTER
As you can tell carbs and sugars do not make you fat. On the contrary they do give you a lot of energy, heart healthy benefits, fitness and bodybuilding benefits and a light hearted feeling.
My ratios for the day:
Calories 3900- 93% carbs, 2.7% fats, 3.8% protein. (if you are sedentary and you have no athletic performance goals do not attempt eating this many calories)
Protein 52 grams (low compared to what the mainstream media tells us but I did get ALL MY AMINO ACIDS which is what matters. Do not believe the high protein hype and myth- it will just ruin your kidneys and put you at a high risk of all the inflammatory and lifestyle diseases)
I met all my amino acid needs, vitamin and mineral needs except for b12 which I supplement (right now Vitacost methyl form liquid dropper form), vitamin D and Selenium.
I did test my vitamin D levels while I was in Bulgaria and I was in the upper levels which is amazing considering I have never supplemented with vitamin D. The coconut milk here has fit D added but I had not had a drop of it while in Europe before my blood test.
Selenium does concern me. I know you can get it from mushrooms and certain herbs such as my favorite astragalus so I will try to include that more often into my diet.
I did run all my blood tests and I will have to share the results soon.
P.S. make sure when you buy dates they are not pitted and pasteurized which some of the grocery store dates can be.