
What I ate in a day as a low fat raw vegan for athletic performance

Yesterday one of my instagram friends suggested I do another “what I eat in a day” blog and I thought: Sure, what could be easier than snapping a few photos while I am editing and working. Well I didn’t make it easy on myself at all. I must have eaten the largest variety of foods ever- nothing repeated itself, and I ate all day 🙂

This blog could be published in a small pamphlet due to it’s size. So I decided I will keep it simpler for me and easier to read for you by splitting it into pre and post yoga parts.

The day started innocent enough

zevia macha tea

zevia macha tea

matcha tea silk almond coconut blend stevia sweetleaf drops

matcha tea silk almond coconut blend stevia sweetleaf drops

I have been drinking matcha (macha) green tea for the past week. I make it capuccino style with Vanilla Creme SweetLeaf Stevia Drops and Coconut Almond Milk. I indulged in a Zevia- a rare pleasure I allow myself (because it comes from a can which I avoid). I had a few macha teas and a few mason Jars with water while editing. I just moved my editing from a laptop to a big screen desktop… and I can see myself on a big screen?!?!? ummm let’s just say I see the need for face powder and a few more improvements before I go on cam :O …anyways I don’t allow myself to get caught up in myself because that’s a trap you can’t get out of 🙂 Perfection is never to be attained so be accepting of where you are at.


watermelon stevia sweetleaf

watermelon stevia sweetleaf

I had jars of water throughout the day. This one had a little of the macha left over so thats why it is green. BTW Palo Santo smudge stick in the background- used to clear space from negative energies. It smells amazing.

The watermelon stevia drops are great to flavor water quickly and make it refreshing and interesting. 😛


I have developed an unnatural obsession with persian melons. I devour them no matter how many might be laying around my kitchen. This is the reason I had a breakfast of a Canary Melon (these persian babies have all magically disappeared) 😛

What? I haven’t seen them 🙂

canary melon breakfast lfrv

canary melon breakfast lfrv

canary melon breakfast lfrv beauty

canary melon breakfast lfrv beauty

This one is yummy but I am sticking to persian melons called Hami. As  a matter of fact I am in a rush to finish this post so I can go stock up on them. BTW I get them at Sprouts for any LA readers. Melons are great for athletic performance and muscle recovery after exertion.

If you have read any of my food posts you know I am resourceful and unusual in my approach to buying, preparing and eating food. I don’t like throwing food out so the melon seeds often make it into other things. This time I made a tea- it’s a great diuretic. If you have issues with your kidneys this is the best thing for your kidneys. Just steep the seeds and strain them. Ready!

sofie's food melon tea

sofie’s food melon tea

You can see how Sofie’s food looks like while I am steeping my melon seed tea. Sofie is indulging in baby kale ;), carrots and basmati rice. I still give her a raw chicken leg as I am researching the subject of dog nutrition. Not the propaganda one that the meat industry has been putting out. The real information is what I am after. The longest lived dog in the Guinness Book of World Records was a vegan dog so it is looking very promising. Also Osho Watanabe had a vegan dog in his temple that only ate the monk’s vegan food and the dog (a big lab) lived to be 20 years of age.


Here is a quick 40SECOND long video on the subject 🙂

Anyways back to melon seeds. Another great recipe for melon seeds is roasted melon seeds- again very healing for the kidneys. And my all time favorite recipe is MELON SEED MILK – easily the best nut/seed milk ever. It is fatty and frothy and nutty yet it has a bit of a melon flavor. Almost like that “fake” melon gum flavor I remember from my childhood only natural and healing.

melon seed tea

melon seed tea

Very aromatic and refreshing!

If you are interested in all of these recipes let me know and I will make them with photos.

I was actually hungry yesterday so I kept eating all day.

frozen papaya coconut milk cocoa

frozen papaya coconut milk cocoa

2 big bowls of frozen papaya with coconut milk, cocoa and hazelnut stevia 5

Second bowl was eaten in the sun next to my mushrooms that I have been “sunning”. This dramatically raises the mushrooms vitamin D levels. I already made a few quick flash posts about it on Facebook and Instagram 🙂 The mushrooms made it in a dressing for dinner.

I ate 2-3 big apples (sorry I think 3 but no recollection ;/)

organic fuji apple fig tree

organic fuji apple fig tree

sofie sleep diaries and my food diary

sofie sleep diaries and my food diary

sofie sleep diaries and my food diary

sofie sleep diaries and my food diary

I had to freeze all my ripe baby bananas and mangos. So I ate a bunch of them while peeling and bagging them.

ripe baby banans

ripe baby bananas

mango ripeThe color is striking!!!!!!

Here is another Sofie sleeps /I eat themed photo 🙂
on my instagram


Later I had some of this european brand juice. (It was randomly sitting next to my chair)

biotta naturals beet potato celery

biotta naturals beet potato celery

I worked some more and ate again!



frozen banana bag

frozen banana bag

bananas cocoa coconut milk

bananas cocoa coconut milk

chocolate bananas

chocolate bananas a gewey mess

Frozen baby bananas with cocoa and coconut milk. Possibly the equivalent of 10 bananas. I had baby bananas so not sure at all. My appetite has been very strong I think due to doing some new interval training classes and increasing my b12 dose as an experiment.

Right now I am supplementing with B12 sublingual methylcobalamin. That’s the only thing that I am taking. I didn’t take it for years but I had some toxic mold exposure which can drain your reserves. I do think it has been beneficial.

I think that this is all that I ate pre recording the new espresso shot class for the membership section on my website. I will be doing one for the youtube community as well. The cool part about eating water rich low fat meals is that a few hours later your tummy looks as flat as usual 🙂 and you did get a ton of “plant water” in your system.

I wish there was a shorter way to write “what I ate” posts but as you can see I get very carried away with melon seed tea recipes for example.

I will do part 2 later or tomorrow. Part 2 is just my veggies and post yoga class dinner. Again there was abundance on my table 😛

My food was around 80/10/10, actually above 80% carbs

Mostly raw and vegan. As you can tell I am relaxed about the whole 100% raw thing. I was 100% raw 8 years ago and since i have developed a more fluid, intuitive raw way. You see I am a seasoned veteran at this point and i can spot the fad part of it immediately.

Let me know if you have any thoughts, questions on the subject.

Love to you all <3

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  1. Ann's Gravatar

    Melon seed milk. I NEVER would have thought of that! Brilliant. I love making my own nut/seed milks, so this is definitely on the menu once my honeydews are ripe :)! Though, Ali, I haven’t been having much success on 811. Initially, I had awesome success. Energy sky rocketed, lost some inches, and feeling great overall. However, I upped my calories a bit, and over the past couple months have been gaining some unwanted fat. Belly is not flat at all, though energy is still good. Not sure what to make of it. One thing the whole experience has taught me though is to love and respect our fellow creatures of this earth and I don’t plan on going back to meat or dairy products. Much love to you, Ali!

    • admin's Gravatar

      you can experiment with different ways to approach it. what is your activity level? whats your diet like? calories do matter and the source of the calories matter and the macronutirent ratios are of great importance. you might need to increase leafy greens for example and decrease dates, or decrease fat. it all depends. you are feeling good! so that tells you you are moving in the right direction. the melon seed milk is probably fatty… but its very yummy!!!! and can still be used in a 811 ratio over the day <3

      • Ann's Gravatar

        Aw, thanks for replying. Activity level is actually quite high. Yoga must days of the week and walking or running 3 miles. I hardly ever eat dates, love my veggies. Maybe fat is my issue. I think I definitely go over 10% some days…maybe up to 20%. It’s a bit frustrating, but maybe its the fat. I showed what I ate to a personal trainer friend of mine and she was appalled! Haha. Obviously said no where near the protein I needed (I usually hover around 6-7%). Anyway, don’t mean to make my problems your own! Thanks for the initial response, I appreciate it! I’ll give it some thinking. Xo

  2.'s Gravatar 18th July 2014, 7:00 pm

    Hi beautiful Ali. I discovered you on youtube about a month ago and am now addicted to all things Ali!!! You are such an inspiration. In one month, your yoga workouts have done more for me than 2 years of physical therapy, massages, muscle relaxers, acupuncture, etc! ( I had a 2 level ACDF surgery for my neck that left me with a nerve injury and a paralyzed right arm for many months and 7 months later was rear ended by an 18 wheel trucker driver that had a heart attack. That wreck left me with more neck issues, knee pain, elbow pain and excruciating pain in my sacrum.) It has been a long road to recovery. I can’t believe how much less my body hurts and how much stronger I am!!!The ‘what I ate’ posts are also helpful to me…vegan is something I would have never considered until finding you. I was wondering if you ever drink alcohol? I do love my glass of red and would love to know your thoughts. Love and blessings, Lori

    • admin's Gravatar

      Ah Lori, I got all teary eyed reading about your struggles. So amazing that you are finding relief with my yoga. Sometimes suffering steers you in a new direction that can end up be your biggest blessing. You can rehab your injuries and heal and even feel better than ever before. Keep your faith and be consistent and you will be amazed. Yes, I do like red wine and micro brewed beer. I go through periods – sometimes I would have wine once a week. Then i would go for 2-3 months without any…ETC.Dogma about these things is not for me. I just go by how I feel and the events in my life. Just drink a lot of water and keep it to a glass or two and just watch how it affects you. Your body know best. Love and keep me posted on your journey! <3

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