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Alignment – Squat

Squats are the queen of all exercises. They can help you strengthen the lower body and core. They reduce cellulite...

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Beginner Growth Series # 7 MODIFICATION for Side Angle Revolved Variations

MODIFICATION for Side Angle (Utthita Parsvakonasana) and, Side Angle Revolved (Parivrtta Parsvakonasana) written by Laura (The Awesome Goddess, yogi, artists,...

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Wrist Pain in Yoga Workouts Bodybuilding Weight Lifting HIIT Alignment

WRIST PAIN IN YOGA BODYWEIGHT WORKOUTS BODYBUILDING WEIGHT LIFTING HIIT When you first start practicing power yoga, bodyweight workouts or...

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Yoga Basics and Alignment Plank Pose Variations

 This Post is a Supplement to the Plank Pose post from last week.  Please refer to the first post for...

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Yoga Basics and Alignment Chair Pose

Yoga Basics and Alignment Chair Pose by Laura Sometimes you will hear this pose referred to as “awkward chair”…it’s best...

Laura's Blue Elephant Blog
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Yoga Basics and Alignment Plank Pose

Yoga Basics and Alignment Plank Pose by Laura Jones-Miller When I first started practicing yoga I remember thinking how very...

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Yoga Basics and Alignment Downward Facing Dog

ALL practitioners experience moments of  “am I doing this correctly?”    When you are new, you can often feel like there...