
HIIT WEDNESDAY. A new beginning!

VIP Membership

I am happy to announce that I will be doing daily posts with scheduled and new classes here on Membership and in addition to Yoga Sunday on Youtube, now we will also have HIIT Wednesday. We will do workouts on Wednesday and Yoga on Sundays over there. For this membership we will have 2 classes a week as well. Some more advanced and I will also build the beginner library on here so there is everything for everyone on here 🙂

What a lofty goal 🙂

I will be checking in on here and working our with you DAILY!

I am working on refreshing the membership and making it more exciting for everyone!

This Wednesday Please Join me on my YOUTUBE  

for a new 12 minute all level HIIT.

The workouts will post at 12 am Central Time.

Please join me for this HIIT Wednesday and prepare to get sweaty.

The workout is perfect for days when you don’t think you are all that energetic- it unlocks your energy and it gets your blood moving.

I was slightly underslept when I did it and by the end of the workout, I felt amazing. 12 minutes is a perfect length for this level of intensity. You don’t want to over-exert yourself, however, you do want that level of intensity briefly as a way to build strength and endurance. it is also great for your heart!

Usually when I am underslept and cannot take a nap my best bet is a walk when I can and a short or light workout. Both of these can wake me up and keep my energy light for the day. If I don’t move I end up being underproductive and I overeat – as I am searching for energy somewhere. So this has been a good strategy in keeping myself feeling light and sleeping well the night that follows. Have you noticed that you tend to eat more or less healthy when you are lacking sleep?

I have noticed that a few of the Internet trainers that used to promote 1 hour intense workouts have fallen ill with autoimmune disease and I am speculating here but I think that these style of intense AND long workouts are something that should be done on occasion when feeling phenomenal. Otherwise for your daily workouts stick to shorter HIIT or Bodyweight and longer or varying length Yoga.

Always feel free to stretch and do some milder yoga after a HIIT.

Always check in with your energy levels and take it from there.


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  1. HalbeVorbeuge's Gravatar

    I do yoga or workouts daily to wake me up after work. I feel totally light an clear after, much better than after a nap!

    Just wanted to thank you for constantly telling us to adjust the classes to our level, to skip a day and to listen to our body. After almost one year of HIIT for 5 days a week plus working too many hours and having my surroundings change (job + place of living), I could not sustain the HIIT or long vinyasas. It made me dizzy and I did not enjoy it any more. But if you had not constantly told us in the videos, I think I would not have listened to my weakness and instead forced me through the workouts. Also what you say about a bad mood after a workout being an indicator for it being to much is totally right! It just came to me that I want to thank you for this advice and that it’s the best what you can do to adjust you habits. After a few weeks of vacation and Hatha yoga, my strength is coming back and I slowly add some HIIT here and there 🙂 Looking forward to this one!

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