
VIP 294 A 1 hr Yoga for Immunity

VIP Membership

60 minutes long

Yoga for Boosting our Immunity.

We will do some:

circulation enhancing moves,

some light cardio,

Intermediate Vinyasa,


Immunity Boosting Inversions;

forward bends as they can be so immunity enhancing!

Have Fun and make sure to get enough sleep, good food, plenty of water and sunshine into your day.

Props: a bolster or a few blankets, or 2 pillows.



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  1. jlacson's Gravatar

    Wonderful class! I often get caught up in the go-go-go of life and focus more on the need to strengthen and push myself rather than being gentle. I loved the balance of exercise yet TLC here 🙂 Many thanks!!

  2. Meisen's Gravatar

    Fantastic balance of strength ease and grace! Challenging in every way! Brilliant

  3. Marcela2825's Gravatar

    Beautiful Ali, Thank you so very much for a natural flow, warmly lightening and stimulating my senses to heal from within. Much love and light to you. Namaste

  4. Marcela2825's Gravatar

    Beautiful Ali, Thank you so very much for a natural flow, warmly lightening and stimulating my senses to let go ,trust and listen to breath to truly heal from within. Much love and light to you. Namaste

  5. Natalia Jenssen's Gravatar
    Natalia Jenssen 5th February 2019, 5:22 pm

    My youngest almost killed himself laughing about me hopping from a plow to a squat 🙂 Truly an invigorating class. I do love belly vacuums, they are absolutely amazing!
    Thank you, Ali! Namaste ❤️

  6. Natalia Jenssen's Gravatar
    Natalia Jenssen 5th February 2019, 9:02 pm

    My youngest almost died laughing about me hopping from a plow to a squat 🙂 Indeed a very invigorating class! Thank you, Ali! Namaste ❤️

  7. Sophie long's Gravatar


    This class could not have been more ideal. I loved every part of it…the dance flow movements at the start that required focus and balance to the light cardio sequences and all with the attention my body needed. The breathing through each nostril cleared my minds eye and the tummy vacuums are becoming more and more beneficial each time I do them. The final portion using the bolster has left me feeling invigorated and cleansed. Thank you Ali xx I will definitely be returning to this class regularly xx Happy Valentines Day to me xxx Practising self love and looking after my body has never been so rewarding xx

  8. Dulcinea Rattet's Gravatar
    Dulcinea Rattet 28th January 2020, 10:24 pm

    Absolutely delicious class. I am home from work sick today and have been battling some feelings of guilt for taking rest.. I know we all know how that can be. But this class was so lovely and nourishing and helped me drop out of my swirling mind and in to my breath body. Just enough movement to get everything going, and it felt totally spacious enough in timing to scale the class level up or down. I did scale it a bit slower just because I’m not feeling well. Gorgeous class as always Ali <3

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