
On Love

so many days, oh so many days
seeing you so tangible and so close,
how do I pay, with what do I pay?

the bloodthirsty spring
has awakened in the woods.
the foxes start from their earths,
the serpents drink the dew,
and I go with you in the leaves
between the pines and the silence,
asking myself how and when
i will have to pay for my luck.

of everything I have seen,
it’s you I want to go on seeing:
of everything I’ve touched,
it’s your flesh I want to go on touching.
i love your orange laughter.
i am moved by the sight of you sleeping.

what am I to do, love, loved one?
i don’t know how others love
or how people loved in the past.
i live, watching you, loving you.
being in love is my nature.

you please me more each afternoon.

where is she? I keep on asking
if your eyes disappear.
how long she’s taking! I think, and I’m hurt.
i feel poor, foolish and sad,
and you arrive and you are lightning
glancing off the peach trees.

that’s why I love you and yet not why.
there are so many reasons, and yet so few,
for love has to be so,
involving and general,
particular and terrifying,
joyful and grieving,
flowering like the stars,
and measureless as a kiss.

that’s why I love you and yet not why.
there are so many reasons, and yet so few,
for love has to be so,
involving and general,
particular and terrifying,
joyful and grieving,
flowering like the stars,
and measureless as a kiss.”
Pablo Neruda

what do yo live for

what do yo live for

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