
How I Cook Kabocha Squash

kabocha squash with herbs
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I am mostly a simple cook.

My first meal of the day (usually around noon or later) is fruit. Mostly simple raw whole fruit. In winter when there is less fruit varieties maybe some blended fruits or even my favorite bananas with PB  frozen serve. (I only fix up in smoothies lower quality fruits). If I have unripened fresh and local fruit I always eat them by themselves.

Evenings are usually greens and raw veggies with a dip I am able to whip up in no time. In pumpkin season I go crazy over kabocha squashes and Japanese sweet potatoes.

Sometimes I get asked how I prepare my kabocha squash. Well, to me kabocha falls in favorite foods category which means I want it as pure and by itself as possible so that I can taste the kabocha itself. A good Kabocha is dry and the test reminds of sweet baked chestnuts; it is very starchy and not pumpkin-ie. If I get a more pumpkin tasting watery kabocha then I will spice it up.

If I luck out with a good squash I place it in a pan with minimum water on the bottom. I cover it and I bring that to a boil. Once the few ounces of water on the bottom are boiling I put the fire on low and let the water cook out and basically I dry “steam” the kabocha. The reason being is that I love it to be as dry as possible. Steaming is the fastest way to cook it and given that I keep it dry I prefer that method over oven roasting.

Last night I got a kabocha that tasted more like a big pumpkin than a japanese chestnut reminiscent kabocha so I added my fix ins to it.

I blended canned tomatoes (I had that on hand, raw or sundried is obviously better. ) with cashew milk and some spring onions – about half and half. I served the kabocha on top of that “soup” and I added hot sauce and herbs de Provence on top. OMG this combination is HEAVEN. Took under a minute to blend and serve.

How do you prepare your kabocha?


kabocha squash with herbs

kabocha squash with herbs




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