
Summertime Interval Yoga Fun Schedule

VIP Membership

The summer is here. And although this summer, just like last summer, is not our typical light breezy time summer, we will have joyful fun on the mat.

We can pray for humanity and the world and still tap into the joy within; the ocean of love-bliss.

We can be mindful yet light; conscious of everything around us yet tapped into the beautiful side of life.




A summertime flow-ey coffee cup with floor stretching at the end. Expect a lot of warrior 3 fusion progression sequences. Stretching and strength work woven into the sequences. Lots of bound angles and bound lunges for posture adjustment. If you have a yoga block or a ball – prepare it for a short part of the class. If you don’t have any props – just skip them.

Enjoy the flow and breath!


Can’t touch this.


Expect a dynamic warm-up followed by a lot of squat jumps and lunge jump variations, a lot of core work, floor abs, brief stretching at the end. A full workout!


A 12 min HIIT

A lot of planks and jumps. I am using a dip station. If you don’t have one you can use a chair for step ups or just do kicks (improvise and make it fun).


A break from jumping. If you need a day off – by all means take the day off. We did a lot of jumping this week. I have been taking a full day or 2 off a week and it has been quite beneficial.

If you decide to do today’s class- we are going to indulge in a flow.

Crystal Vinyasa Flow. Stomach vacuums, vinyasa sequences with a lot of standing poses, planks, plies, balances on one leg, chair on the wall, and a cool down with plough.

Window to the soul crystal healing.



The second brain. One more vinyasa flow for the week. A standing vinyasa with heart openers, twists, hip openers, leg and booty builders, plough at the end. Use a yoga block if you have one.


A death circle. Quick, high impact, no rest serious business HIIT style workout. This type of workout is fun and it is like a rinse for the mind. We are left empty like a white canvas after a sweaty class such as my death circles.


YIN Yoga

An oldie – a lot of floor stretches and parasympathetic, healing response stimulating poses.


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  1. Elena Stornaiuolo's Gravatar
    Elena Stornaiuolo 28th June 2021, 8:42 pm

    Wow wow wow you are wonderful and this schedule is wonderful!!!

  2. rosannadell's Gravatar

    Loved the new classes, they were so nice, I did each twice! 😉

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