Laura's Blue Elephant Blog
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Sangha Our Interval Yoga Community with Ali

Part 2 –  Sangha Our Interval Yoga Community with Ali- by Laura Jones-Miller May my feet rest firmly on the...

Laura's Blue Elephant Blog
VIP Membership

Dharma – Building the Yogi Within

Building a Yoga Community Buddha/Dharma/Sangha Part 1 – Dharma – Building the Yogi Within Living Buddha Again and again ~...

Vegan Life Style
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How your actions can help the Planet, Mother Nature and Our shared future as Humanity

Yogi’s for the Solution Life as a Locavore By Laura Jones-Miller A locavore is a person interested in eating food...

Laura's Blue Elephant Blog
VIP Membership


Heart Chakra Finding a Place of Well-Being Within Yourself “The physical heart is our strongest muscle; it also functions as...