VIP Membership

VIP 233 A 50 min Core Vinyasa Yoga/ Mellow Stretching Safety Meditative

This class is perfect for “sore-muscles-days” after heavy death circles. It is a flowey vinyasa followed by a stretching floor...

VIP Membership

VIP 41 A 30 Minute Full body Strength Vinyasa Power Yoga Core Legs Arms

BROKEN BEADS POWER VINYASA LEVEL 2 FULL BODY STRENGTH 30 MINUTES. Prepare for lots of leg work, core strength poses,...

Laura's Blue Elephant Blog
VIP Membership

VIP 7 Biceps Triceps and Forearms with Interval Yoga – Beautiful Arms

A 7 Minute Interval class:     I don’t know how much you know about a woman’s arms and what...

VIP Membership

VIP 13 Night Time Coffee Cup for Upper Body Interval Power Yoga

This is a 48 minute class: We are going to focus on upper body strength as quite a few of...

Yoga Workouts
VIP Membership

VIP 6 A 12 Minute HIIT Back Legs Core Shoulders

NAMASTE BEAUTIFUL YOGIS, New 12 minute class HIIT Oh and BTW someone did this flyer for me! How cute!!!! <3...