Intro Video
This program is designed to assist in Diastasis Recti Repair or for strengthening Abdominal Weakness. It is best suited after birth and after abdominal or other surgeries, when dealing with hernias and prolapse. It is non-triggering for those who are not looking for a mommy program. Great for new moms and everyone else equally.
We will learn to connect mentally and physically to the deep abdominal muscles. We will work to improve and develop an awareness of any abdominal weakness or abdominal separation present. We will work on the pelvic floor strength. We will learn to create stability and we will stretch it as well.
Work on the legs and upper body for complete beginners is included.
The program consists of 6 classes that can be completed in 3-6 months on average.
Each pair of classes is to be rotated for a month or two. The classes for each period include one 40 minute class and one 20 minute class that can be fitted into your schedule accordingly.

IMPORTANT!!! After you purchase the program on Paypal you will come back to the website and go to the top right corner where you will click on “My Download Courses”. You will log in there and be able to get started.


Price: $39