Hormonal Balance – PMS, MENOPAUSE, PERI, PRE
When we speak about health we often hear advice about diet and exercise. Although this is not a wrong idea I like to zoom out and focus on a supportive routine, purpose, passion, thoughts hygiene, and a peaceful heart.
A routine can help us balance our daily activities, creativity, work, ideas, diet, and exercise.
Diet and exercise alone – in a vacuum – can be hard to sustain. We need to plug them into an overall mindset.
I like to follow the rhythms of my day. I am far from perfect. I go to bed late and wake up later – in summer time that’s due to coming home at 10 pm every day. I still treat the different segments of the day as waking hours, activity, food, rest hours, etc.
Working on a peaceful heart has to be an inside job. We have to manifest life from the inside out, not perfectly. Nothing is perfect ever. We should strive towards contentment on the uneventful days. I like to steer clear from stormy emotions, ups and downs, extra emotionality, overthinking, etc. I like to approach the daily stuff with simplicity and even-headedness.
Herbs and supplements can be very supportive of a peaceful heart – reishi and magnesium come to mind here.
Food can be the major building block for our minds. Food builds our bodies but food also builds our thoughts. Then our thoughts build our bodies and to make this even crazier – our bodies build our thoughts. It’s all one. We cannot focus on mental health in isolation.
As you know I love intermittent fasting. There are two camps of people – people who are all about it and the people who think it will wreck your hormones. It depends on your personal preferences – if you are called to it – go for it. If it’s difficult – then do small meals. No one way works for everyone.
Either way, the goal is to have optimal digestion and to let your stomach rest- not be overworked all the time. To have balanced blood sugar levels – no high sugar for hours. Just a peak at meals and that’s it. i feel a little-known fact is that eating whole foods naturally balances our sugar. As soon as I WENT WHOLE FOODS (for me also plants) I have not had one episode of low blood pressure or low blood sugar and as you know I eat my sugar just fine- (dates, honey, watermelons). I don’t pay attention to THE Glycemic Index charts. They are all somewhat pointless because it all depends on the person’s capacity to digest and process nutrients. The glycemic index depends on the overall diet and not on the particular food.
Once the blood sugar is stable – we sleep well. Sleep depends on other factors as well- stress, exhaustion, excitement, hormones, etc.
Again – we don’t live in a vacuum- if we have a lot of activity and work – we may lose sleep but we have to strive to go back to a routine as soon as we can.
Optimal digestion is something that doesn’t need to be described. You will know if you feel great. If something is off- then address your digestion. it all starts with meal times, meal spacing, meal side, and the types of food you choose.
Food can be detoxing and building. If we don’t have enough water and watery fruits we may have interstitial stagnation and lymphatic stagnation – which can loosen with fruits on empty stomach, sweating, red light, exercising, etc.
Intermittent fasting has been used for thyroid issues and metabolic issues.
Hormones don’t live in isolation – they merely reflect the health of the organs.
If we optimize the organs and our lifestyle – we are well on our way to optimizing our hormones.
We can add herbs and supplements that can supercharge our diet and routine.
I am going to share just a few herbs and supplements below. The list can be way too long and overwhelming. If you have used some life-changing herbs and supplements please share them in the comments.
Helpful herbs:
VITEX – phyto estorgen and phytoprogesteron.
NETTLE for blood loss (it constricts blood flow and it adds iron back in)
Tribulus Terrestris Extract on Amazon
Bach Flower Remedies for emotions.
They are very individual. You can use muscle testing or go by your predominant negative emotion and choose one.
It can be a balancing one. If you are dealing with anxiety, fear, or sadness- then go for the ones that most describe your emotions.
7 forms of Magnesium
or other magnesium brands.
For pain and aches in relation to PMS I like PH-D Holistic Menstrual Support
Homeopathy works for me and at that strongly.
There are so many options here- for stress, relaxation, sleep, calmness.
An important factor here is to build happiness with oneself, self-acceptance, and self-contentment.
To accept changes as welcomed and inevitable. Life is always and forever moving forward. We are meant to experience all emotions, all seasons, and all challenges while we are here for our short stay on Earth.
We are not meant to stay here forever, to be forever young, youthful or forever any one thing.
I find resistance to menopause is a major reason for symptoms.
Another major reason is pollution, heavy metals, and xenoestrogens (pesticides, plastics, external hormones). Detoxing with diet and liver herbs can be extremely helpful in alleviating symptoms. Detox takes forever. I don’t like the 3-day detox diets. They are a marketing ploy. They also make you feel like you are doing something wrong if nothing major happens in 3 days. Its not supposed to. If we have years of accumulation of say pesticides- we will need to have a routine that removes them.
For me that’s a diet high in fruits and veggies, sweating, moving my body, drinking distilled water, etc.
Menopause is the process of pleasing others to learn who we are on a deep level. We move from being in the state of serving others to becoming wise and becoming in tune with ourselves. Wisdom is a major keyword here.
Christian Northrup says that because our levels of FSH AND LH are high during menopause (rather than high only during ovulation) we have a continual flow of wisdom rather than peaks of it during ovulation.
In conclusion – it is all in order. Everything is moving forward as it is supposed to be. It is all working out and it is all OK!