Studio AK Membership
What’s Included
Every month we dive into a brand new program that explores the subject we are covering in detail. Examples of past programs- The Booty Program, The Awaken the Core Program, Flexibility, Beach Body, etc.
2 Brand New Classes each week.
Yoga, Fitness, HIIT, Relaxaton and so much more.
Every Week a new schedule with 2 new classes is posted as a part of the monthly themed program.
Occasional Videos or Notes that will help you stay motivated, inspired and on course.
Ali will be sharing her articles on plant based nutrition, diet and nutritional healing. There will be articles on healthy weight loss strategies. Information on dietery approach for building muscle, loosing unwanted fat and changing your body composition.
We will do these videos in fun and inspiring California and Europe outdoors locations.
We will do periodic 30 day fitness challenges that will help you achive your fitness goals.
Video on alignment and proper form.